Hello, how can we help you?

Clinic Software, Lab Software, Hospital Software, HRM Software

Diagnostic Laboratory Software, Pharmacy software, Chemist software, Blood Bank Software, finance software, Nursing Home Software

Cord Blood Software, Druggist Software, Maternity Hospital Software, Dental Software, Stockist Software, children software, Blood Bank Management Software, pediatric software

Engineering software, University Software, Homeopathy Software, Genetics & Research Center Software, Cord Blood software, Stem Cells Software, Medical Software, School software

College Software, Financial Accounting Software,genetics software, HR Management Software, Business Administration Software
Netripples Product Delivery

Product Delivery :

1) This software is full version life time license software. The price includes life time license.

2) This software covers 30 day refund for any development errors from the date of purchase.

3) You will be provided online support anytime anywhere from our support centers worldwide during business hours.

4) Post purchase on completion of payment you will be provided with a license key in your registered email and registered mobile.

5) You will have both CD/DVD media based delivery or download from this web store.

6) Each download, you will be provided with free installation guides and steps for installation including database installation.

7) This software operates on any windows operating system from Windows 7 and windows 10 onwards or LAN software from Windows 2012 onwards.

8) You are also eligible for free training online or through telephone or mobile support.

9) Free database links are also provided for easy download from Microsoft site.

10) The whole of the software is within your system and not any cloud or other servers or any such servers. All the data is confidential and you are the full owner of the data you have entered.

11) There is no annual subscription or monthly subscription and software works on continuously on your system.

12) You have choice of annual maintenance of online support anytime post 12 months free online support from the date of purchase.

13) Database backup facility is provided in the software for disaster recovery and also you can take periodical backup on another drive or any media of USB or CD/DVD drive for data storage.

14) You are also eligible for free customization consultancy support and post analysis you will be eligible for customization on cost basis as per your approval and the warranty covers post customization.