Netripples MultiStore Pharmacy Management System Plus is a comprehensive solution designed to automate the activities of the MultiStore Pharmacy Management System Plus which includes, Managing Drug Database Drug Location, Managing Drugs expiries, Managing Suppliers, Managing Purchases, Managing General Surgical and non Surgical Drugs, Managing Sales, Managing multiple counter and Billings, Finance & Accounting, Pharmacy Staff management and many more. You will find over 100 Individual/Summary Reports which provides you day, week, monthly or any periodic reports anytime. It is designed with an easy-to-use user interface with Pharmacy Store Logo, Address and other header setup and utilities to add SMS and other Mobile access features.
Manage Locations :This screen helps in managing Drug storage locations and setup and recognizable ID, Rack, Box or any such setup for easy Drug pickup while issues with an automation of location ID.
Manage Drugs :This screen helps to Manage Drugs. You can ADD, MODIFY a Drug with its Parameters like Drug type, Generic Name , Drug name, Drug Location, Strength, Reorder level, Manufacturer and Setup of customized PLU number or Bar Code.
Manage Suppliers :This screen helps in managing Supplier or Vendor Data. You can Add, modify Supplier Information like Name, Address, Identification and Grade or Supplier Priority/ Type Data.
Purchase Orders : This screen helps in managing Purchase orders and help in Issue of Purchase orders, Manage Suppliers Data, Manage Discounts, Manage Free Quantities, Manage Special rates, Manage Package Quantities , Manage Receiving Instructions Manage Delivery Locations, Manage Special Instructions for Deliveries, Manage Drug Type along with relevant Standard package quantities.
Manage Orders :This screen helps in ordering drug to the Central pharmacy.
Manage Receiving :Once the drug has been issued from central pharmacy this screen facilitates the process to receive the issued drugs.
Issue Returns :This screen helps to return drugs to the central pharmacy.
Drugs /Items Receipts :This screen helps in managing receiving of Drugs and Other Surgical and non Surgical /Medical Items from various suppliers including free quantities and also you can receive Drugs and Items with Purchase order without Purchase orders and also have options to receive with Bill or without Bill under delivery Challan or Delivery Notes or Goods Receipt Notes or memos. You can setup Barcode and organize for stock in relevant locations identified.
Vendor Payments : This screen helps in managing all Supplier Payments for all the Drugs, Surgical Items, Medical Items and other General Goods. You can make Part payments, full payments, review outstanding payments, find the total transaction payments, deduct Purchase returns and also do adjustments against the expired drugs returned to the Supplier or Vendor. The drugs received from a particular supplier.
Sales / Raise Bill :This screen helps in generating receipts for customers for the purchased drugs, General and Medical Items. You can have option of Drug Manufacturing Date, Expiry Date, Batch number, Barcode , PLU number, Prescribed Doctor/ Medical officer Name, Hospital or RMP along with option to have the Patient Name and Patient Id for prescribed drugs and options to ad as relevant for non prescribed Drugs.
Sales Returns :This screen helps in managing all Drug, Medical, Surgical Items billed to the Patients, Hospitals or customer and help in refunding the amount. You can archive the Data with search options by patient name, Drug, date, patient id Hospital data and manage the sales returns and refund easily.
Purchase Returns :This screen helps in managing Purchase returns to Suppliers, vendors and adjusts the returns in bills payable and manages direct refunds or even adjusts in future bills.
Cashier Management :This module manages all patient payments and includes charge collection against the invoices/ Bills generated at various stages and recording the receipts, Payments including cash counter opening cash and closing cash details.
Drug Search :A comprehensive drug search by Expiry date, Supplier, Drug type, Generic Name, PLU number , Barcode , location etc,., has been provided for anytime any day archives.
Financial Accounting Management Module :This is a Financial Accounting Module and saves the efforts of standard account package interface as it comes built in within the data and seamless integration. Key function include Purchase Order/Returns Sales Invoices/Returns Balance Sheet/Trail Balance Profit & Loss Statements Chart Of account/Ledger, Accounts Payable/Receivable, Asset Management and Cash/Bank Reconciliation along with all the relevant Individual/Summary reports pertaining to financial department can be generated and printed for reporting purposes.
HR Management :This module manages and facilitates Employee Registration, Payroll, Employee Attendance and Leave Register, generating Employee Appointments and Offer Letters, generating Employee Pay Slip, recording Employee Promotions and Relieving and Petty cash payments. It also includes various Individual/Summary reports related to HR department along with the setup and control screens for easy customization as per the requirement.
Reports Module :This module covers all Individual & Summary reports which are available for viewing and printing purposes covering the following:
Manage Report Headers : This screen helps in setting up the Report header to Pharmacy or Drug Store Name, Address and Logo of the Pharmacy including Bills.
Setup and Control Module :This function helps in managing the Pharmacy users and authorizes permissions for purchases, billing, sales receiving, stocking, issues, manage returns, and collect payments, stock management, physical stock corrections and other activities including discounts and price changes.
Setup Opening Balance :This function helps in managing Opening Balances by adjustments Physical Stock corrections for all Drug Locations to become operational anytime since the date of installation of Software.