Netripples Human Resource Manager is a comprehensive ready to use software designed to automate the activities of the HR Departments. Key Operations include Employee Registration, Leave Request Entry, Air Ticket Entitlement, Managing Offer Letter, Managing Service Benefits, Managing Attendance, Generating Pay Slip, Setup Administration, and Over 100 Individual/Summary reports are available covering all stages of Operations. User Friendly Screens with built-in Help, Security & Administration of Software along with User Management, and Print of Auto Report Headers. Key Modules covered are listed here.
Employee/ Staff Management Module : This screen helps in managing all Staff or Employees of all categories like Casual. Permanent and Temporary Employees or staff of any Organization or Business. Key Demographic information includes Personal History and Details, Remuneration and Salary Package Information and updates Nominations of Kith and Kin Promotions and Package Revision & Employee or Staff Exit and Relieving procedures. .
Leaves Management : This screen manages the leaves requested by employees for all types like Casual Leaves, Sick Leaves, Privilege Leaves, Maternity leaves and Vacation Leaves. You can find anytime update for any employee with SMS notification as an optional services includes emails at end of any periods.
Leave Travel / Vacation Allowances Management Module : This Function helps in managing all Vacations, Leave Travel Air Ticket/Travel Entitlement Form Templates and manage the entitlements.
Manage Employment offers /Engagement Advice : This function helps in managing Offers and engagements and associations of any type of employee including Contractual, Casual, Permanent or Temporary Employees or Staff of any organization including setup of Remunerations, Personal Particulars, and Nominations of next Kith and Kin.
Manage Retirement /End of Service Benefits : This function helps in managing all retirements and end of service benefits eligibility, entitlements, reimbursements and Auto Calculation of Outstanding Leaves Indemnity, Super Annotation, Employee provident funds and other Additions and Deductions and generates Printable reports.
Attendance Management Module : This function helps in capturing and managing all Attendance of employees of all locations at all times and auto calculation and updates for Leaves, Absents and loss of pay days and other attendance parameters.
Manage Employee Promotions /Demotions : This function helps in Employee Status change maintenance and generates a report for view and printing purpose.
Employee Pay Slip Management : This function helps in generating Pay Slips for all Registered Employees or Staff of any Organization with an individual or large scale edits and updates.
Employee Reports Module : This module contains all the important reports such as Employee Register, Employee Payroll/Salaries, Salary Summary Register, Leave Register, Details Salary Register, Relieved Employee Register, Employee Air Ticket Report, and Employee Attendance Register for view and printing purposes.
Setup and Control Module : This module facilitates managing Report Header, New User Creation, and Change of User Password.