Netripples Ideal Hospital Software is a comprehensive ready to use software designed to manage and automate the operations of Ideal Hospital which includes Patient Appointments, Registration of Inpatient/Outpatient, Investigation Management, Cashier management, Hospital Staff Management, Hospital Inventory Management, Pharmacy Management, Finance & Accounting, Dental management, Pediatrics management and over 200 Individual/Summary reports. User Friendly Screens with built-in Help, Security & Administration of Software along with Auto Report Headers are other flexible features of the Software. Key Modules covered are listed here.
Patient's Appointment Module : This Module covers Speciality-wise Clinic Schedule Setup and Administration, Setup Doctors Consultation Time with each patient, Manage Doctors Schedules and reschedules, , Manage Doctor Vacation Management,. Manage Patient Appointments and reschedule Appointments, Doctors & Speciality OP Clinic Based Summary and Individual reports, Connectivity to Patient Registration, Effective Patient Search and Recalls, Holidays Management etc.
Outpatient Management Module : This module manages all Out Patients and records transactions with Outpatient Registrations, Medical History, Examinations and other chief Complaints and manages Patient Archives.
Inpatient Management Module : This module manages all In-Patient Registrations recording patient Medical History, Clinical Information, Chief Complaints, Treatment Plan, Nursing Notes, Investigation result update, Medical Disorders, recording various medical examinations data, and also manages Patient archives.
Outpatient/Inpatient Investigations Management : This module manages Investigation and tests with Test parameter setup, Administration, result entries and also comes in built in standard test Template formats including generating well formatted Test reports.
Cashier Management : This module manages all patient payments and includes charge collection against the invoices/ Bills generated at various stages and recording the receipts, Payments including cash counter opening cash and closing cash details.
HR Management : This module manages and facilitates Employee Registration, Payroll, Employee Attendance and Leave Register, generating Employee Appointments and Offer Letters, generating Employee Pay Slip, recording Employee Promotions and Relieving and Petty cash payments. It also includes various Individual/Summary reports related to HR department along with the setup and control screens for easy customization as per the requirement.
Pharmacy Management : This module manages Pharmacy Billing, Pharmacy Supplier management, Pharmacy Stock management, Raise Purchase Orders, Manage Purchase Returns, Raise Invoices/ Manage Issue /Sales Returns, and Setup and manages multiple pharmacy sales/Issue counters. There are over 100 Individual/Summary reports both functional flow and financial flow records including receipts and billings.
Administration and Security Setup : This function allows the software Administration setup, Add, Modify, activate, inactive , Doctors, Staff, users, Charges, Consultations, Surgeries, Operations, First visit/Second Visit/Multiple Visit Charges, Doctors Share, Hospital Share for Outside consultants, RMP Commissions, Referrals Commissions and Margins and many more.
Financial Accounting Management Module : This is a Financial Accounting Module and saves the efforts of standard account package interface as it comes built in within the data and seamless integration. Key function include Purchase Order/Returns Sales Invoices/Returns Balance Sheet/Trail Balance Profit & Loss Statements Chart Of account/Ledger, Accounts Payable/Receivable, Asset Management and Cash/Bank Reconciliation along with all the relevant Individual/Summary reports pertaining to financial department can be generated and printed for reporting purposes.
Reports Module : This module covers all Individual & Summary reports which are available for viewing and printing purposes covering the following:
Specialty modules include dental, ENT, cardiology, ophthalmology, orthopedic, chest, general physician plus dialectology and skin dermatology, gynecology. The specialty modules are modular, integrated, offer a user-friendly graphical user interface as well as being easy to operate and can be customized. Moreover, help is offered, the modules are easy to install, and lastly have low system requirements.
Netripples Hospital Management System contains a strong and secure database to suite a small hospital of 10 beds to 200+-bedded big hospitals. Records can range from 5000 to 1 lakh and above.